Tyler Hayes McMahon a New-York-area-based theatre artist and administrator, and he's here to make friends and make you think.
For Tyler, home is suburban New Jersey, where he enjoyed the great indoors and using the NJTransit to access NYC when possible. After spending the first 18 years of his life afraid of dogs, he moved to Boston to pursue a BFA in Theatre Arts from Boston University while simultaneously suddenly outgrowing his fear of dogs (unrelated). He spent the following four years next-level hydrated.
Tyler's written work has been performed at Boston University, National Theater Institute housed at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center, Reground Theatre Festival, and at Cuskelly School of Music in Brisbane, Australia. His writing mentors include Kirsten Greenidge, Kristin Leahey, Donna Di Novelli, and Ren Dara Santiago.
Currently, Tyler is working as the Arts Administration apprentice at Studio Theatre in Washington, DC.
As a reader, Tyler has read and reviewed submissions to Bay Area Playwrights Festival and Scranton Shakespeare Festival. He served as a member of 2019-2020 BU School of Theatre Season Selection Committee and as graphic designer for BU S.T.A.M.P. thesis group. He's a former intern for Jermyn Street Theatre in London, UK and Plays-in-the-Park in Edison, NJ.
Tyler holds two 2015 New Jersey Governor's Awards in Arts Education for Dramatic Pairs and Comedic Monologue performance categories.
And he wanted me to thank you for coming to his website. Thank you.

Lightning Tyler facts!
Tyler Hayes McMahon was created by accident in a laboratory experiment gone incredibly right.
He wants to be a mountain goat. Or a bumble bee, or a jungle bird.
Some say if you hold a shell up to year ear you hear the ocean - but if you hold up an empty Pavement coffee cup you hear Tyler sighing wistfully.
Tyler would do anything for love, but he won't do that.
In his spare time, Tyler writes emails.
He likes to put things on his head. Often when focused, commonly just in general.
Tyler is not magic ... unless?
His favorite ice cream flavor is peppermint stick. But no one has it so he commonly says mint chocolate chip. Now you all know the secret.
Tyler has always been oriented towards the creation of original stories. Actually (and this is true), he wrote a 50,000 word novel in his sophomore year of high school in one month - it's fantasy/sci-fi and absolutely unreadable. He did so in secrecy (for some reason), and when he later mentioned it to his mom, she said, "Wait, what?"
He likes the emoticon :B